After looking into a 60volt Mod for my EVT 168, I kinda fell into a new bike.
Well it goes like this... "Hey Iam looking to buy a 60 volt mod kit for my EVT168" .Electric motor sports says " We are kind of busy with these new motorcycles we have coming in , and would have to make that kit for you. So it might take a long time.".. So i said "What new bike?"
Well it kinda led on to me getting a really great deal on a Mountain Chen scooter. Last one they had in stock, seeing as they were moving onto ZEV Motorcycles now.
I was told it is almost the exact same as the EVT Z-20. Top speed of 45mph, range 30-40 miles, 60volt system , and in white and blue I belive.
So here is me buying a new ZEV having never seen it not knowing the modle type or most of the specs lol. Just that it is very much the same as a Z-20.
I'll add a picture of the Z20 so you guys can see what I was shown so far.
Also i'll add a pic of it when it gets here friday.