Alt Engery the next phase - Wind Turbine

WIND POWER! Because The Sun Doesn't Shine At Night.
Thats the logo on there website :)
This is the Hornet 600 watt wind turbine. Seams these days I use more power then I can make on a daily bases. To get around this I have turned to adding a 600 watt (Upto 1200 watts in 70mph winds) Wind turbine. Once this gets here in the next few days i'll have enough power to keep me going I'd say for a while.
It's almost like a drug ! you just want to get more and bigger AE stuff! With the added Wind turbine came added problems about getting it running. 1st off I got the thing itself. Then I needed a way to get it in the air... a long steel pole over 10 feet with guy lines and a mounting base. I did this so I can move it around to get the best place for it. Next was the problem that my BZ MPPT 250 (Charge controller) was SOLAR power only with NO way to divert the power coming in from a wind AE. (you divert power away from the battery bank if they are full so not to over charge them. Ya send it to say a water heater element 12volt one) . It seams that the solar controllers simply short out the panels when the battery (s) are full. Thats a great way to handle solar if you need to, but wind AE systems need to keep a load on the turbine so they dont over-spin and get damaged. So the next part was a wind/solar controller with load diversion. I havent really herd much about this small company (Boston Mountain mfg) ,but they had a 1500watt wind/water/solar controller with load diversion built in too for only $126 after shipping. After a quick google I found almost nothing but for a short forum rant about some people not getting there parts in Canada ??? I chatted by email to Boston Mt mfg abit about there products and decided to give them a go.
There controller should arrive next week some time. ok... next part was the magical weilders cable #6 standard size. I must say that the things they say about this cable are very very interesting. They talk about how it can take almost any abuse throw at it. This is now used instead of carbon brushs on the wind trubine to get +pos power to the ground. So I went out and got 20 feet of it at a cost of $33 . So together with pole-cable-controller-turbine I'm all set!
BTW this thing puts out (rated at) 50 Amps. I am not going to get 70mph winds in my area but a steady 10mph and gusts of 22 to 24 will keep the battery bank alive and well.
I'll post new pictures of the construction of this beast and hope it helps anyone interested in going this route. I'll also let you know how easy or not it was to get running.
Untill then ! Take care of our planet we only got one.