Home made solar charger

Well i finaly got a fully working 4xAA battery charger. I also added a test LED with a on/off switch (so turned off i get full power to the batteries). The LED shows me a few things , power is flowing, current mA as brightness. I also used a diode just after the LED on the + out to the battery. This is so it cant discharge the batteries when theres no current flowing from the solar panels.
Iam using 4 old solar cells from garden lamps LOL. I was told they were busted and so was given them. I stripped them down to just the cells and rewired them into this :) I added them as 2 sets - both sets increase amperage then the 2 sets joined to increase voltage. Now i dont have a multimeter, but these as single cells recharge 2xaa batteries a day to use as lights at night. So i figure the way I wired them up it should be much faster in the set of 4 to do only 4xAA's. I did test them last night. I used a 60wat lamp to keep them flowing, but I know this cant be even half of there power output. I tested the Nicad's and yes they were charged a bit, so it does work. Now to get full sunlight and see how they charge in that:)
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