Finished Solar Charger & a store bought one
Ok the saga of the solar powered chargers goes on!

I felt that something was missing from my charger and that something was a finished box :) So i got myself into DIY mode and found a plastic VHS box (a nice thick one from a fancy movie hehe) and prceeded to messure,& cut out a whole for the solar cells to look through at the sun. Also inside is the holder for the battery clip. as you can see it look ok but not as nice as that store bought 4xAA,AAA,C,D charger that only cost me £9.99 . I have found that my charger works much faster because of the increased amps in the cells I made. (store bought is 150mA mine is 200mA) also 2xAA at 200mA is just faster anyhow. Just do that math. But my next project is a full blown Household AC power supply from solar power. I'll update you all as it happens with pics :)
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