They sent me the wrong projector ! o-boy

I recived the epson projector on the 18th of Dec. I was like "Wow it's early" then i opened it and set it up. To my dismay it had a yellow blob of washed out color in the middle indicative of a projector with 3000+ hours on it and the blue LCD has been exposed to too much ultravilot light causing it to only let 30% light through instead of the 100% normaly. So then you mix the red + green and the washed out blue ya get that yellow blob. To top this off the red lcd was WAY out of allignment and so overall this projector was fubar. I called the company I purchased it from and they said they must have shipped me the wrong one and sent my nice 100% working one to the other guy (who iam guessing is gonna be really happy with it seeing as he ordered one that was ment to be a parts machine). I said " Could you send me a working one then please? " to which they said , opps we dont have anymore of them ..... But we do have a Hitachi cp-l850?. So I looked up the hitachi on the web -boy it was a pain to find that one for some reason- after finding the info on this Hitachi I said sure but check that it's 100% working 1st. The sales man Deva then went over to the test area and personaly played with the projector and check the the thing out as I had instructed him to do so. His reply to me was hey this look great , it's got a very clean picture and looks almost new. To this end I said "How much more is this projector then?" Deva said "seeing as we gave yours to someone else you can just have this as a trade up" They even paid the shipping cost directly back to me for the other projector I sent back, and it will get here before the 25th :) Iam adding a picture of the newer Hitachi projector below so you can see the difference between them. Sorry it's such a small pic. It's a hard to find model for some strange reason.
coooool blog!!! loads of new from tech world. keep up the effort
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12/20/2006 9:38 AM
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