A look into the life of a gamer/programmer and world travler.

Monday, May 07, 2007

2000 WATTs of POWER

2000 Watt inverters are what they call over kill, but not when your running HDTV's/PC and other things all at once. My old 400watt inverter wasnt upto the task of running many household goodies. The good thing is I got it for a only $75 so I couldnt turn it down.
As you can see in the picture I have expanded the Solar power system a little:) I now have over 400Ah to use. In a few weeks I hope to have another 225Ah added also. along with the added AH I needed something to keep them charged so I purchased 2 more Solar panels and upgraded my Controller to a 25AMP MPPT250. I now get upto 30% more power to the batteries from my panels. so over all thats a total of 290% more power to the use. (Thats including the +30% per panel and the 2 new panels.. I know it's a very over rated percentage but I feel better after what it cost me lol)
So I am doing my bit to help the world :) what are you doing?
PS. the small red 400watt inverter is sitting ontop the mighty 2000 watt beast :) just to show yu the size diff.


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